Dasaradh Before coming to films, he worked for TV Media as a Screenplay and dialogue writer for four soap opera’s. with noted author and writer, Yandamuri Veerendranath. One of the TV series called Vennello Aada Pilla aired at Doordarshan, Andhra Pradesh was a commercial success. He is associated with successful directors like Yandamuri Veerendranath, Veera Shankar, Teja and YVS Chowdary from the past ten years.
He has also worked as associate director for Veera Shankar’s film Hello I Love You, Tulasi Kumar’s film Harischandra, YVS Chowdary’s film Yuvaraju, Teja’s film Chitram, Nuvvu Nenu, Family Circus and B. V. Ramana’s film Subhavela.