Bhaskar, popularly known as Bommarillu Bhaskar, is a Telugu film director. In his early career, he worked as associate director on films Bhadra and Arya. His directorial debut Bommarillu starring Siddarth Narayan and Genelia D’souza was a blockbuster, which earned him two Nandi Awards, for best debut director and best original screenplay. His next venture, Parugu starring Allu Arjun was a box office hit. Orange starring Ram Charan was his next film, which gained mixed response. His fourth film was Ongole Githa a revenge drama which was a box office and critical failure. His latest Tamil film Bangalore Naatkal starring Arya, Rana Daggubati, Samantha Ruth Prabhu, Sri Divya, Bobby Simha is to hit theatres in 2016.